Are You Spring Cleaning Your Mental Space?

Spring is in full swing and that means it’s time to close the books on last year. As we balance the ledger and turn our minds to the upcoming season, clearing out closets and sweeping all the corners makes space for energy renewal and fresh starts.

Organizing and excising our physical and fiscal spaces can be liberating - there is freedom in making time for self-reflection and clearing our minds, too.

In this article, we are going to share a few top tips for decluttering our mindset. By doing so, we can liberate ourselves from habits that may be holding us back and move forward with greater clarity and ease.

Clearing Your Head

Research shows that the very act of tidying around our physical spaces and keeping things organized has positive implications on our well being. These include:

💫reduces stress and distractions

💫increases a conscientious habit

💫self-care habits save time and money

💫improves focus and productivity

Going through the above processes will help clear our minds. It is best to create a lifestyle that allows us to care for our mindset regularly and consistently.

Here are a few of the many options available:

💫take a daily walk, ideally a break from media, work or family obligations

💫maintain to a regular movement practice that energizes you with 2-3 sessions per week

💫acknowledge yourself, write down or reflect conciously about what is on your mind

💫take a little time for silent meditation; science says just 10 minutes a day works wonders

The team at Kinesia Pilates is here to help you improve your quality of life, in and out of the studio. 


Perfect Practice


Core Pilates Principles: Breathe