Perfect Practice

It can be said that practice makes perfect. Here at Kinesia Pilates we see things a little bit differently. To us, perfection isn’t a desirable state because it is a static concept. Instead of striving for perfection, we encourage our community to perfect their practice and improve their mind-body connections.

Pilates practice is a powerful tool for self-care because it is full-body movement that is highly adaptable. As you learn the technique your movement become more fluid and you can refine the energy, precision and quality. On days that you need to restore energy you can practice differently then the days you have energy to burn! 🔥

This includes gaining control of chronic back pain, getting physically stronger and more flexible, and feeling more balanced in general. Perfect practice can also be a way of processing emotions or expressing you spirit. At Kinesia Pilates we show you how to use your practice to relieve stress and bring a sense of calm, peace, and confidence into your life.
Whatever you hope to make better in your life, Kinesia Pilates can help! Here are three specific ways we can help you move from bud to bloom in your practice this spring. 
1️⃣ If you are new to Pilates or to our studio we recommend you start with our INTRO OFFER. At this time we will show you the fundamentals of our technique and essential tactical skills using the classical Gratz Reformer.
2️⃣ Take a private session with one of our highly qualified teachers for unmatched attention on your specific goals and targeted areas for improvement. Book an appointment here!
3️⃣ Book one extra class per week than you normally take. This is a sure-fire way to see results faster and more clearly. View our class schedule!
We are here to help you move from bud to bloom. Get in touch today and let us know what we can do to help you reach your full, beautiful potential. 


Are You Spring Cleaning Your Mental Space?