“MELT” and why I did it

Do you wake up feeling stiff, or feel held back in your sport or movement practice due to chronic pain, repeated injuries, or just inflexibility?

In authentic Pilates there are elements of hands-on guidance to help people make break-throughs in these kinds of physical limitations. While teaching Pilates mat virtually through the quarantine I started to see people getting “stuck” in their movements.

I started searching for ways to amend the effects of 2-dimensional virtual teaching. I added general foam-rolling to my zoom classes in order to “wake-up” better quality movement for small spaces and without the use of tactile curing. I was able to use the roller for tactile cuing and I saw improved dimension in the movement quality.

I came across the MELT method and it changed everything for me, especially myself! I found significant mobility improvement around areas that were “stuck” in my own practice and found increased movement efficiency. I signed up for certification last spring and now I am ready to bring it to YOU! 

What is MELT? 

MELT is a gentle self-massage technique using small balls and soft rollers, guided by a certified instructor. The treatment enhances mobility, stability, and performance and is clinically proven to reduce chronic pain while restoring overall wellbeing. 

MELT simulates the hands-on techniques that a manual therapist uses to eliminate stress, pain, and dysfunction.

Key benefits of MELT

💫 improve efficiency of movement

💫 calm the nervous system

💫 improve energy, higher quality sleep

💫 erase the negative effects of aging and active living

💫 heal injury, eliminate chronic pain

MELT at Kinesia Pilates

I am excited to share this tool for self-care massage. Stay tuned for upcoming intro workshops, intensive workshops, and series classes starting this autumn.

You do not have to have special MELT tools to join. We do have the tools for sale in the studio, and purchasing them from us or through our affiliate link does help us! You can use this link to purchase tools or sign up for the MELT On-Demand videos with founder Sue Hitzman.

Learn more about MELT at Kinesia Pilates

Intro MELT Workshop | HYBRID 90-min

September 18th, 10am - 11:30am 

Early Bird Sale: 8/21 -Labor Day

Learn: Mini-foot treatment, lower-body rehydrate, rebalance, mini-hand, neck release.


The Practice of Empowered Self-Care


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